The club house will open this Friday (5-11) and Saturday (12-7), there is plenty of things for people to do. Obviously Covid Restrictions will still apply, social distancing, facemask and regular hand sanitising but, why not come down and work up a thirst and get some valuable jobs completed for the club?
1. Clean/dust all table & chairs
2. Deep Clean bar area
3. Hoover entire top floor
4. Hoover stairs and entrances
5. Paint landing and staircase walls
6. Sweep and hoover balcony matting
7. Reset balcony matting
14. Help Ian tidy all paperwork, frames etc
15. Dust/Clean all kitchen plates and mugs
16. Clean ice machine
17. Put clubhouse furniture back in place
18. rehang curtains
19. Change all lightbulbs to new LED bulbs
20. Help MK install new projector screen and projector
21. Paint red wall in gym (4th coat)
22. Clean all glassware behind bar as all dusty
CRFC Committee